• July 4, 2024
  • V6proxies Specialists
  • Blog

SSL Proxy: Benefits, Setup, And More

Views 102 You’re probably already up to speed with the basics of privacy and encryption. But have you truly understood the power of SSL proxies yet? The Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol adds encryption to your traffic, making it one of the stronger privacy protection tools available.  In this article,…

  • June 26, 2024
  • V6proxies Specialists
  • Blog

A Guide to Google Maps Scraping (2004 Edition)

Views 129 Have you ever needed a detailed list of businesses in a specific area without manually searching Google Maps? Google Maps scraping can make this task much simpler. This guide will walk you through the practical steps to scrape valuable data from Google Maps, like business listings, contact details,…

  • June 5, 2024
  • V6proxies Specialists
  • Blog

[No Fluff] Using Mechanical Turk for Surveys in 2024

Are you looking for a practical way to earn extra money online? Using Mechanical Turk for surveys might be the solution you need. Amazon’s Mechanical Turk (MTurk) platform offers a variety of tasks, but surveys are particularly popular due to their simplicity and decent pay rates. Whether you’re a student, a stay-at-home parent, or just someone looking to make some extra cash, surveys on MTurk can be a perfect fit.

  • May 30, 2024
  • V6proxies Specialists
  • Blog

Ticketmaster Data Breach May 2024: 500 Million Users Hacked

Views 266 In May 2024, Ticketmaster experienced one of the largest data breaches in recent history, compromising the sensitive information of approximately 500 million users. This May Ticketmaster data breach orchestrated by the notorious hacker group ShinyHunters, has sent shockwaves through the digital security and ticketing business communities. It raised significant…

  • May 25, 2024
  • V6proxies Specialists
  • Blog

Best 5 Alternatives to Amazon MTurk For Workers [2024]

Views 297 Are you looking to diversify your income streams and explore new opportunities for online work beyond Amazon Mechanical Turk? Whether you’re seeking better pay rates, a wider variety of tasks, or simply want to vary your work experience, there are plenty of alternatives to MTurk that might just…

  • May 22, 2024
  • V6proxies Specialists
  • Blog

Amazon MTurk Account Suspension (Reasons & Solutions) (2024)

Views 286 Have you received the awful message stating, “This account has been suspended by the Amazon Mechanical Turk team”? You’re not alone. Account suspensions on Amazon Mechanical Turk (MTurk) are becoming more common, leaving many workers wondering, “Why Amazon Mechanical Turk suspends accounts?” These suspensions can disrupt your MTurk…

What are HTTP Proxies? Your Questions Answered

“What are HTTP proxies?” This question often arises as users navigate the complexities of the web. HTTP proxies are more than just technical tools; they are gatekeepers that enhance connectivity, protect data, and let you do more online. 

This guide discusses the essence and operations of HTTP proxies, exploring their functions, protocols, and the multiple use cases that make them an indispensable tool in network management and cybersecurity.